Playing music - License requirements
If you play recorded music at events or classes you will likely need to buy a license to do so,. Here's our thoughts on what's needed
The licencing of recorded tango music causes great confusion and consternation amongst
members. In general, a licence is required to play recorded music in public. Under The
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 permission is needed from the relevant copyright
holders in order to play or perform music in public.
Obtaining a Music Licence gives you this permission, in relation to the vast majority of
commercially available music, including tango music recorded in Argentina from the 1920s
The Music Licence
The single licence is available from the company known as PPL PRS at:
There are several options of licence including reduced fees for one-off or charitable events.
You can get their advice on 0800 015 1772.
The Venue Owner
Most venues available for hire (such as village halls, pubs, clubs, hotels, dance studios,
churches etc) have the necessary licence (PRS licence) for music to be played there. Some
may have a Community Building licence. Where they do, then your performance will be
covered by their licence. It is a flat fee annual licence based on the community building’s
annual income. Some community buildings pass this onto hirers – others do not.
It is important that members check that the venue is suitably licenced. If it is not (for
example, playing in an open public space) then the member may be liable for the music
The player/performer of music is usually responsible for the PPL licence. PPL UK have been
licencing the playing of recorded music since 1934 in order to pay royalties to the
rightsholders, whether in the UK or abroad (as part of international reciprocal agreements).
Members can find out more on