What insurance do you need for running classes, milongas, festivals, outdoor events and more
There are two types of insurance that affects UKATA Members:
1) an insured venue
2) members’ own public liability
Insured Venue
This is the responsibility of the venue and fortunately all venues available for hire (such as
village halls, pubs, clubs, hotels, dance studios, churches etc) usually have the appropriate
insurance cover for the safety of the building (and have the necessary health & safety
certifications). The insurance information should be detailed in the Hiring Agreement and so
Members can check that there is adequate cover for their intended activities.
Public Liability
This is the Member’s responsibility.
It covers you if a customer claims that they have been injured, or their property damaged,
because of your business activities (not because of a building defect). Public liability claims
can arise from several circumstances, but negligence is often the main trigger. For example,
a customer might trip on a speaker cable at a milonga or injure themselves following
instructions at a class.
The insurance is intended to protect Members against claims that result in legal
proceedings. If a claim does become a legal matter, the policy should cover the cost of those
expenses (to the insured limit), including any compensation you may be required to pay.
Venues will often insist, in their Hire Agreement, that you have a minimum cover of Public
Liability – commonly ranging from £1 to £5 million. Falsely declaring a higher insurance
cover could lead to a liablility claim by the venue’s insurer.
Assisting members
Are you satisfied with your insurance company and policy? Could you recommend it to
other members? Let us know: